Saturday, June 18, 2011


Last night we had a drill bbq/sleepover to officially kick off our season. It was filled with good food, lots of laughter, and me making a fool out of myself. Shalee and I didn't actually sleep over with the girls but we decided that we would give them a pretty good scare. So we wore these...

 Shalee was the old man and I was the nasty pig. Bahaha! These masks are priceless. We scared the living heck out of the girls :).

The next morning was the Strawberry Days Parade which all of our girls danced in. We have been working hard on parade for the past 2 weeks and I must say that the girls preformed very well. They also looked super cute in their new practice tops (lime green).

Overall drill has been such an awesome experience so far. I haven't been able to attend everything (because of lame school) but they things that I have been able to be apart of have been awesome.

Jammie Marie Hawkins


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