Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sleeping Beauty

I dont think I have EVER been so lazy in my life. This morning I was supposed to be at the Anatomy Lab at 7am to study. I set my alarm for 6:30am so that I would be there in time. When that alarm went off this morning do you really think I woke up? Uhhh......NOPE! Instead I decided that sleep was way more important. I only planned on sleeping for another hour so that I could still make it to the lab for a few minutes of study time. Do you really think I only slept for an hour longer? Uhhh....NOPE! Instead I hit snooze 8 times (no joke). I slept 2 1/2 hours longer than planned and missed my first 2 classes haha. I have NEVER felt so lazy in my entire life.
Whats wrong with me?


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